Find the Hippo!
The first image, I see the outline of the old woman and delineate it with a faber castell marker. The second image is the finished work, adding a back cloak and brown trees with Pitt markers.
This is midway through this picture. I have found the head and the ear and neck. The mask is hinted at. The following picture is close to being complete.
Posted on September 16th, 2022.
What is multimedia art?
Multimedia art is an innovative discipline which seeks to unify a large range of art forms. This is creatively achieved by combining an array of artistic insights and crafts such as film, literatu…
Posted on September 14th, 2023.
Hello, there! And thank you for visiting my new blog!
The truth is that I've started and stopped and started several blogs over the years. This one will be specifically about making art.
Complete the form to connect with me. Feel free to ask me any questions about my artwork prints and greeting cards.